Tall Parks
Although, of course, you end up becoming yourself
I remember the first time I listened to the Kenyon College commencement speeech given by David Foster Wallace in 2005. A condensed version of the grocery store story that Wallace tells, which illustrates the theme of his speech, was set to a mix of live-action re-enactment and gaudy motion graphic overlays, created by some well-meaning fan, and posted to Vimeo. That version was soon taken down for copyright violation (or something similar) but not before it led me to the aforelinked full (and better) version.
[ Read ]The Unicorn Project
I recently read The Unicorn Project by Gene Kim. This came as a recommendation from my manager at work as an accurate portrayal of life inside a bureaucratic software company. I definitely have experience in many of those (including 2 that this story’s fictionalization is based on) and could judge for myself. After a brief detour through another book about a software company loosely related to unicorns, which I may write about later, that I found when searching for this one I dove in.
[ Read ]I made a new site
So I finally decided to make a new personal website.
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